Join award-winning podcaster, voice talent, and popular podcast coach, Shann Vander Leek for a Free Recording of her recent Masterclass on
How to Monetize Your Podcast in 2020!
I have been podcasting for over 10 years and have successfully monetized my podcasts for the majority of that time. Since I began offering podcast coaching services in 2012, I often receive questions about how to make money on podcasts. As you are well aware, podcasting involves a lot of time and creative energy. Monetization is a great way to stay energized about sharing your voice.
Explore several ways you can start monetizing
your podcast right away!
Here is what you can expect when you listen to this Free Masterclass:
- The benefits of cross-promotion with other podcasts
- Why promoting your own offerings is a good idea
- The importance of partnering with advertisers you know, like and trust
- How selling sponsorships and affiliate partnerships can generate revenue
- Why you may want to consider crowdsourcing for your podcast
If you’d like a recording, fill out the form below and a confirmation email will be sent to your Inbox. All you need to do is confirm your interest and the class recording will be on its way to you immediately.